Gibson Guitar Serial Numbers By Year
How To Check The Date Of Gibson Guitars By Serial Number or Factory Order Number (FON)
If you are wondering "How do I find out what year my Gibson guitar was made?", simply reference your serial number or factory order number (FON) using the dating guide below. Gibson has produced many types of instruments, and used many different versions of guitar serialization over the years. Determining the year of manufacture correctly for your instrument is key to understanding not only its age, but its value. Our Gibson guitar dating guide below helps you narrow down the age of your instrument through serial numbers and FONs printed on or inside your instrument, however you may need to rely on additional specifications and resources to be fully confident.
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Dating A Gibson Guitar By Factory Order Number (FON)
The Gibson Factory Order Number is a batch number assigned during production. Factory Order Numbers are useful for dating Gibson instruments built from 1902 through 1961.
- The FON can be 3, 4, or 5 digits long.
- The FON in many cases may be followed by a hyphen and then a 1 or 2 digit sequence number (example: 5678-12).
- Instruments produced in the same batch would carry the same FON, with a different sequence number assigned to each instrument.
- Some FONs may have a letter prefix or suffix depending on the year.
- The FON may be ink stamped or hand written on the inside of the instrument. Some FONs stamped into the wood on the back of the headstock.
- Some Gibson models have only a FON, some have a FON and a serial number, and others have simply a serial number with no FON.
- The FON is assigned early in production, while the serial number is assigned at the end. At times the FON may date earlier than the serial number as production may have been completed in a different calendar year than it began.
- Keep in mind that over the years it is possible your FON faded away or has become obscured and difficult to read. Additional specs, features, or a serial number may be more useful in determining the year of your guitar if no FON can be found.
How to find the factory order number (FON) on your Gibson instrument
The FON can be found on the neck block or the inside back of the instrument for most models and years. It will be ink stamped or hand written and may be faded or difficult to decipher.
- For flat top acoustic guitars, look through the soundhole towards the neck to locate the neck block.
- For early hollow body instruments, look through the F hole towards the neck to locate the neck block.
- For arch top, hollow-body, and semi-hollow guitars post-1930, look through the treble-side F hole at the inside back of the body.
- From 1938 to 1941, FONs beginning with the letters D through H have the FON stamped into the wood on the back of the headstock.
- Note that many instruments may have both a FON and a paper label with a serial number located on the inside back of the guitar.
1902 to 1945 Gibson Factory Order Numbers by Batch
Gibson FON batch ranges from 1902 through 1945 listed in the table below. Note that some repetition of numbers takes place, and at times the letter suffix may not be present on ever instrument.
Year of Manufacture | Factory Order Number Range |
1902 - 1916 | 1 through 3650 |
1917 - 1923 | 11000 through 12000 |
1924 - 1925 | 11000A through 11250A |
1925 - 1931 | 8000 through 9999 |
1931 - 1933 | 1 through 890 |
1934 | 1 through 1500 |
1935 | 1A through 1520A |
1936 | 1B through 1100B |
1937 | 1C through 1400C |
1938 | 1D through 1000D |
1939 | 1E through 980E |
1940 - 1945 | 1 through 7900* |
* Gibson FONs contain a letter suffix from 1935 through 1942, however wartime instruments may or may not contain a letter. FONs with letters resume in the early 50's.
1935 to 1942 Gibson Factory Order Numbers With Letters
In addition to batch numbers, from 1935 through 1942 the letter of the FON can denote the year of manufacture with some possible variations.
- From 1938 to 1941 there may be 2 or 3 letters. The first letter would indicate the year. The second letter if present would indicate the brand of the instrument: G=Gibson, K=Kalamazoo, W=Recording King. The third letter "E" if present would indicate "electric".
- From 1939 to 1940 some Lapsteels and arch top models such as the Super 400 and L-5 have the letter A added to the FON, such as DA, EA, or FA for example.
Year of Manufacture | Factory Order Number First Letter |
1935 | A |
1936 | B |
1937 | C |
1938 | D, DA |
1939 | E with second letter following |
1940 | F, FA |
1941 | E with no other letter following |
1941 | G |
1942 | H |
1936 to 1943 Gibson Factory Order Numbers With Hyphen and No Letter
While most Gibson FONs in this date range contain a letter as outlined above, some models (mostly lapsteels) do not contain a letter. In this case, the batch number before the hyphen indicates the year of manufacture.
Year of Manufacture | Hyphen Factory Order Number Range |
1937 | 200-xx through 399-xx |
1936 - 1937 | 400-xx through 599-xx |
1936 - 1938 | 500-xx through 599-xx |
1936 or 1938 | 600-xx through 799-xx |
1936 | 800-xx through 999-xx |
1937 | 1000-xx through 1599-xx |
1938 - 1940 | 1600-xx through 2999-xx |
1941 | 3000-xx through 5999-xx |
1942 | 6000-xx through 6999-xx |
1943 | 7000-xx through 7999-xx |
1942 to 1951 Gibson Factory Order Numbers
Most guitars produced by Gibson during WW2 have a FON, but rarely do they have a serial number. During this time period, the sequence number is usually written in pencil following the ink batch number. Examples of FONs used during the war are listed in the table below.
Year of Manufacture | Factory Order Numbers |
1942 | 907, 910, 923, 2004, 2005, 7000s |
1943 | 9xx through 22xx |
1944 | 22xx through 29xx |
1945 | 1xx through 10xx |
1947 | 700s through 1000s |
1948 | 1100s through 3700s |
1949 | 2000s |
1950 | 3000s through 5000s |
1951 | 6000s through 9000s |
1952 to 1961 Gibson Factory Order Number Letter Prefixes
From 1952 through 1961 Gibson utilized a standard letter prefix for each year. The FON will begin with the specified letter, then be followed by the 4 digit batch number, and finally a 1 or 2 digit sequence number. FON prefixes for this date range are outlined in the table below.
Year of Manufacture | Factory Order Number Letter Prefix |
1952 | Z |
1953 | Y |
1954 | X |
1955 | W |
1956 | V |
1957 | U |
1958 | T |
1959 | S |
1960 | R |
1961 | Q |
Dating A Gibson Guitar By Serial Number
Gibson serial numbers are a convenient way to establish the year your guitar was made, and ultimately understand the value of your instrument. Though serial numbers are meant to be a unique identifier for the manufacturer or owner to establish warranty, quality control, or ownership status, serial numbers also contain dated information encoded into their sequence. Along with model specs or other features, you can decipher your guitar's serial number using the information and tables presented below. Keep in mind that some detective work may be required.
- Gibson has utilized a number of different styles of serial number over the years, each with their own unique way of being interpreted.
- Gibson has used the same serial number on multiple instruments over the years, so you may need to rely on other defining features or historical knowledge to determine the correct year of manufacture.
- At times, no serial number was issued to an instrument at all. In this case using the Factory Order Number (FON) or defining features of the instrument would be your best option for dating.
- The serial number for your Gibson would have been issued at the end of production, so the serial number may date your instrument after the FON. The FON is issued to the instrument early in production, and may have been assigned in a prior calendar year.
- When dating a Gibson guitar, especially for determining the value of the instrument, the serial number's date is traditionally the accepted year of manufacture. The latest date found on an instrument would establish the year of manufacture when the guitar has a FON, serial number, and/or dated parts such as pots stamped with a manufacturing date.
How to find the serial number on your Gibson instrument
In addition to various styles of serial numbers over the years, the placement and method by which the serial number is affixed to guitar has varied. Serial number location is predicated on the type of instrument, the vintage, or the available free space available to neatly or artistically place it on the guitar.
- Early 1900's instruments may feature a white paper label with a photo of Orville Gibson and no serial number at all. Some with a hand-written date.
- From 1902 through 1947 many Gibsons have a serial number and model name printed on a white paper label found on the interior of the instrument. The serial may be hand written prior to 1932 and ink stamped thereafter.
- From 1947 through 1961 Gibson hollow body and acoustic instruments feature a paper interior label and a serial number beginning with the letter A. From 1947 to 1955 the label is white, and from 1955 to 1961 the label is orange. Some lower end models have no serial number, but can be dated by the FON.
- From 1952 through 1960 Gibson solidbody guitars have an ink stamped serial number on the back of the headstock. Some early examples have no serial number and need to be dated by other defining features.
- From 1961 through 1969 Gibson guitars have a 4, 5, or 6 digit serial number stamped physically into the wood on the back of the headstock, and importantly there is no "Made In USA" stamp below the serial number. Hollow and acoustic instruments may also retain their orange paper label on the interior displaying the same serial number as impressed on the headstock. 6 digit numbers begin in 1963 and carry through to 1969.
- From 1970 through 1975 Gibson guitars have "Made In USA" stamped into the back of the headstock, along with a 6 digit serial number.
- From 1975 through 1977 Gibson guitars have a serial number decal adhered to the back of the headstock.
- From 1977 through 2005 Gibson USA guitars have an 8 digit serial number stamped into the back of the headstock along with "Made In USA". The first and fifth numbers determine the year of manufacture.
- From 2005 through the present, Gibson USA guitars have a 9 digit serial number stamped into the back of the headstock along with "Made in USA". The first and fifth numbers still determine the year.
- From 1992 through the present, Gibson Custom Shop models utilize a serial number that is historically accurate to the reissue year, where the look, placement, and number convention are identical to the vintage guitars outlined on this page. Custom Shop models may also utilize a prefix such as "CS" for "Custom Shop", Artist signature models may use the artist's initials or name as the serial number, and Collector's Choice models will be serialized "CC" followed by the model number variation (example: CC 08). Generally these serial numbers are located on the back of the headstock, or for hollow body instruments, on a label inside the bass-side F hole. At times a serial number may be hand signed & numbered by an artist, or have the suffix "A" meaning it is a hand-aged finish.
1902 to 1947 Gibson Serial Numbers
During this time, Gibson serial numbers were assigned essentially in order. The table below lists the last serial number issued to an instrument in the given year. Serial numbers, if present, are found on an interior white paper label during this period.
Year of Manufacture | Last Serial Number Assigned |
1903 | 1150 |
1904 | 1850 |
1905 | 2550 |
1906 | 3350 |
1907 | 4250 |
1908 | 5450 |
1909 | 6950 |
1910 | 8750 |
1911 | 10850 |
1912 | 13350 |
1913 | 16100 |
1914 | 20150 |
1915 | 25150 |
1916 | 32000 |
1917 | 39500 |
1918 | 47900 |
1919 | 53800 |
1920 | 62200 |
1921 | 69300 |
1922 | 71400 |
1923 | 74900 |
1924 | 80300 |
1925 | 82700 |
1926 | 83600 |
1927 | 85400 |
1928 | 87300 |
1929 | 89750 |
1930 | 90200 |
1931 | 90450 |
1932 | 90700 |
1933 | 91400 |
1934 | 92300 |
1935 | 92800 |
1936 | 94100 |
1937 | 95200 |
1938 | 95750 |
1939 | 96050 |
1940 | 96600 |
1941 | 97400 |
1942 | 97700 |
1943 | 97850 |
1944 | 98250 |
1945 | 98650 |
1946 | 99300 |
1947 | 99999 |
1947 to 1961 Gibson Serial Numbers for Hollow and Acoustic Guitars
During this time, Gibson serial numbers have an "A" prefix. The serial number, if present, is ink stamped onto a paper label found on the interior of the instrument. "A" series serial number labels are white from 1947 through 1955, then transition to orange. A-100 is the first assigned number. The "A" prefix is a reset of the number convention after Gibson reaches 99999 in early 1947.
Year of Manufacture | Last Serial Number Assigned |
1947 | A 1304 |
1948 | A 2665 |
1949 | A 4410 |
1950 | A 6597 |
1951 | A 9420 |
1952 | A 12462 |
1953 | A 17435 |
1954 | A 18667 |
1955 | A 21910 |
1956 | A 24755 |
1957 | A 26820 |
1958 | A 28880 |
1959 | A 32285 |
1960 | A 35645 |
1961 | A 36147 |
1952 to 1961 Gibson Serial Numbers for Solidbody Guitars
With the introduction of the solidbody guitar in 1952, Gibson had no interior space to adhere a paper label, so the serial number was ink stamped onto the back of the headstock for these models. The first digit will indicate the year of manufacture for solidbody guitars in this range. Early examples have no serial number, however from 1953 onwards, the serial number convention is "Y XXXX" where Y is the year of manufacture and X is the sequence number given to an instrument that year, assigned in ascending order. The first number indicating the year may be also followed by 5 digits with no space as the sequence exceeded 9999 in a given year. For example, a 1957 Gibson solidbody guitar serial number could read 7 1234 or 712345. At the beginning of each year, the sequence would reset while the digit representing the year would increase (example: 8 0001 for early 1958).
Year of Manufacture | First Digit of Serial Number |
1952 | No Serial Number |
1953 | 3 |
1954 | 4 |
1955 | 5 |
1956 | 6 |
1957 | 7 |
1958 | 8 |
1959 | 9 |
1960 | 0 |
1961 | 1 |
1961 to 1969 Gibson Serial Numbers for All Guitars
In 1961, Gibson began stamping the serial number physically into the wood on the back of the headstock for all instruments. All Gibson models now use the same serial number methodology. Hollow and acoustic instruments may also have the headstock serial number duplicated on the orange interior label. Early serial numbers are 4 or 5 digits assigned in ascending order, while most have a 6 digit number.
During this time period, it is important to note that Gibson reuses numbers, and that the number ranges themselves are not used in any discernible or logical order. Gibson however changes model features enough throughout this period that the combination of serial number and specification should help narrow down the year of manufacture for a specific instrument.
Gibson guitars during this time with a serial number within the range outline below will not have a "Made In USA" stamp on the headstock. Guitars produced after 1969 may reuse a serial number from the 1961-1969 range, but instruments built from 1970 and on will be stamped "Made In USA" on the back of the headstock.
Year of Manufacture | Serial Number Range |
1961 | 100-42440 |
1962 | 42441-61180 |
1963 | 61450-64220 |
1964 | 64240-70500 |
1962 | 71180-96600 |
1963 | 96601-99999 |
1967 | 000001-008010 |
1967 | 010000-042900 |
1967 | 044000-044100 |
1967 | 050000-054400 |
1967 | 055000-063999 |
1967 | 064000-066010 |
1967 | 0670000-070910 |
1967 | 090000-099999 |
1963, 1967 | 100000-106099 |
1963 | 106100-108900 |
1963, 1967 | 1090000-109999 |
1963 | 110000-111549 |
1963, 1967 | 111550-115799 |
1963 | 115800-118299 |
1963, 1967 | 118300-120999 |
1963 | 121000-139999 |
1963, 1967 | 140000-140100 |
1963 | 140101-144304 |
1964 | 144305-144380 |
1963 | 144381-145000 |
1963 | 147009-149864 |
1964 | 149865-149891 |
1963 | 149892-152989 |
1964 | 152990-174222 |
1964, 1965 | 174223-176643 |
1964 | 176644-199999 |
1964 | 200000-250335 |
1965 | 250336-291000 |
1965 | 301755-302100 |
1965 | 302754-305983 |
1965, 1967 | 306000-306100 |
1965, 1967 | 307000-307985 |
1965, 1967 | 309848-310999 |
1965 | 311000-320149 |
1967 | 320150-320699 |
1965 | 320700-321100 |
1965 | 322000-326600 |
1965 | 328000-328500 |
1965 | 328700-329179 |
1965, 1967 | 329180-330199 |
1965, 1967-68 | 330200-332240 |
1965 | 332241-327090 |
1965 | 348000-348092 |
1966 | 348093-349100 |
1965 | 349121-368638 |
1966 | 368640-369890 |
1967 | 370000-370999 |
1966 | 380000-385309 |
1967 | 390000-390998 |
1965-68 | 400001-400999 |
1966 | 401000-407985 |
1966 | 408000-408690 |
1966 | 408800-409250 |
1966 | 420000-426090 |
1966 | 427000-429180 |
1966 | 430005-438530 |
1966 | 438800-438925 |
1965-66, 1968-69 | 500000-500999 |
1965 | 501010-501600 |
1968 | 501601-501702 |
1965, 1968 | 501703-502706 |
1968 | 503010-503110 |
1965, 1968 | 503405-520955 |
1968 | 520956-530056 |
1966, 1968-69 | 530061-530850 |
1968-69 | 530851-530993 |
1969 | 530994-539999 |
1966, 1969 | 540000-540795 |
1969 | 540796-545009 |
1966 | 550000-556910 |
1969 | 558012-567400 |
1966 | 570099-570755 |
1969 | 580000-580999 |
1966-69 | 600000-600999 |
1969 | 601000-601090 |
1969 | 605901-606090 |
1966-67 | 700000-700799 |
1968-69 | 750000-750999 |
1966-69 | 800000-800999 |
1966, 1969 | 801000-812838 |
1969 | 812900-814999 |
1969 | 817000-819999 |
1966, 1969 | 820000-820087 |
1966 | 820088-823830 |
1969 | 824000-824999 |
1966, 1969 | 828002-847488 |
1966 | 847499-858999 |
1967 | 859001-880089 |
1967 | 893401-895038 |
1968 | 895039-896999 |
1967 | 897000-898999 |
1968 | 899000-899999 |
1968 | 900000-902250 |
1968 | 903000-920899 |
1968 | 940000-941009 |
1968 | 942001-943000 |
1968 | 945000-945450 |
1968 | 947415-956000 |
1968 | 959000-960909 |
1968 | 970000-972864 |
1970 to 1975 Gibson Serial Numbers
Gibson serial numbers during this time continue to be 6 digits and stamped into the wood on the back of the headstock. Additionally "Made In USA" is also stamped into the wood below serial number making it easier to identify guitars from this era. Many serial number ranges from the '60s are used again in the early '70s. Many guitars manufactured during this time also have a neck volute, a large bulbous transition between the back of the neck and the headstock left intentionally enlarged to prevent headstock breaks. Models with a letter prefix followed by a 6 digit number indicate custom shop or limited edition models.
Year of Manufacture | Serial Number Range |
1973 | 000000s |
1970 through 1975 | 100000s |
1973 through 1975 | 200000s |
1974 through 1975 | 300000s |
1974 through 1975 | 400000s |
1974 through 1975 | 500000s |
1970 through 1972, 1974 through 1975 | 600000s |
1970 through 1972 | 700000s |
1973 through 1975 | 800000s |
1970 through 1972 | 900000s |
1973 through 1975 | A + 6 Digits |
1974 through 1975 | B + 6 Digits |
1974 through 1975 | C + 6 Digits |
1974 through 1975 | D + 6 Digits |
1974 through 1975 | E + 6 Digits |
1974 through 1975 | F + 6 Digits |
1975 to 1977 Gibson Serial Numbers
Gibson serial numbers during this time are printed onto a decal. The decal is then adhered to the back of the headstock. The decal may denote the model name in addition to the serial number. The serial number is 8 digits long with a 2 digit prefix that denotes the year of manufacture, followed by 6 digits (example: 06123456).
Year of Manufacture | Serial Number Prefix |
1975 | 99 |
1976 | 00 |
1977 | 06 |
1977 to 2005 Gibson USA Serial Numbers
Gibson transitions to an 8 digit serial number in 1977 for all models, a method of serialization that ultimately carries through to today. Serial numbers continue to be stamped into the wood on the back of the headstock along with "Made In USA". The "first and fifth" serial number as it is known makes deciphering the date of manufacture simple and effective, which is why Gibson has continued to use it for so many decades.
From 1977 on, 8 digit serial numbers can be read YDDDYXXX where Y is the year of manufacture, D is the day of the year, and X is the factory ranking / plant designation number uniquely assigned to each instrument. The ranking numbers 001-499 indicated Kalamazoo production prior to 1984 when the Kalamazoo, MI factory was closed. Ranking numbers 500-999 indicated Nashville, TN production through 1989. Since 1989, all Gibson acoustics are built in Bozeman, MT and all Gibson electrics are built in Nashville, TN or Memphis, TN. Ranking numbers for Bozeman start each day at 001 and the electrics may start as low as the 300s.
For example, 80102100 would indicate 1982 production, on the 10th day of the year (Jan 10), and the 100th guitar off the line in Kalamazoo.
80285501 means the instrument was produced on January 28, 1985, in Nashville, TN and was the 1st instrument stamped that day since the ranking number is 501.
Since 1989, Serial number 91235001 for example would indicate the 123rd day of 1995, an acoustic guitar from Bozeman, MT, and the 1st guitar serialized that day as the ranking number is below the 300s starting point for electrics.
Serial number 91235450 for example would indicate the 123rd day of 1995, and an electric guitar from Nashville or Memphis as the ranking number 450 is greater than the 300s starting point.
2005 to Present Gibson USA Serial Numbers
In July 2005 Gibson added a 9th digit to the serial number, however it is still read the same as an 8 digit serial number with the extra digit indicating a batch number inserted before the ranking number. The format is YDDDYBXXX where Y is the year of manufacture, D is the day of the year, B is the batch, and XXX is the ranking number. The batch is set to 0 each day, and once the 699 numbers are stamped, the batch number becomes 1. The first 5 numbers and the last 3 numbers remain the same as 1977-2005 8 digit serial numbers.
For example, 210051700 would indicate the 100th day of 2005, and the first instrument stamped in batch "1".
Exceptions for Gibson 8 and 9 Digit Serial Numbers
There are exceptions to the 8 or 9 digit rule for Gibson USA guitars. Some models have their own number convention, and certain time periods utilize a different numbering strategy.
Gibson Les Paul Classic Serial Numbers 1989-2014
From 1989 through 2006, the Les Paul Classic model features an ink stamped serial number with no "Made In USA" stamp on the back of the headstock. From 2007 onwards, the ink stamped serial number is maintained, with "Made In USA" stamped below it into the wood. This ink stamped serial number convention is similar to Gibson solid body electric guitars produced from 1952 through 1960.
Most Les Paul Classic models with have a 5 or 6 digit serial number though early models have a 4 digit number. There should be a space after the 1st digit with the 4 and 5 digit serial numbers, and no space with the 6 digit numbers. From 1989 through 1999, the first number indicates the year of manufacture and the serial number will be 4 or 5 digits long. From 2000 onward, the first 2 numbers indicate the year and the serial number is 6 digits long.
Les Paul Classic Serial Number Examples
9 xxx = 1989 (4 digit number beginning with "9" used only in 1989)
0 xxxx = 1990
9 xxxx = 1999
00xxxx = 2000
05xxxx = 2005
Gibson Serial Numbers Beginning with "94"
In 1994 to celebrate the centennial of Gibson, many instruments were serialized with a "94" prefix, followed by 6 digits. The "94" prefix indicates 1994 as the year of manufacture for these models.
Gibson Serial Numbers 2014 Through Mid-2019
Gibson changed it's 9 digit serial number convention during this time period, where the first 2 digits indicate the model year, not necessarily the year of production. The following 7 digits indicate the instrument number produced in sequential order starting at 0000001. The format is YYXXXXXXX.
For example, 150000123 would indicate the 123rd instrument serialized for the 2015 model year. The model year would begin around Fall 2014 and run through approximately Fall 2015. A 2015 model year instrument could have been produced in either 2014 or 2015 for example, with a lower ranking number indicating earlier production and a higher ranking number indicating later production.
Gibson Serial Numbers Mid-2019 Through Present
In the middle of 2019, Gibson ends model years and reverts back to the post-2005 serial number conventions. The 9 digit serial number goes back to the YDDDYXXXX format where Y is the year of manufacture, D is the day of the year, and XXXX is the factory rank number.
Gibson Custom Shop Serial Numbers
Gibson Custom Shop models carry a serial number that is historically accurate to the reissue year. The style and location of the serial number are similar to the original vintage model that the reissue replicates, as outline in the list above. Gibson Custom Shop serial numbers are often duplicated, so additional model features must be utilized for proper dating. Non-historic Custom Shop models utilize a prefix such as "CS" for "Custom Shop". Artist signature models may use the artist's initials or name as the serial number. Collector's Choice models will be serialized "CC" followed by the model number variation (example: CC 08). At times a serial number may be hand signed & numbered by an artist, or have the suffix "A" meaning it is a hand-aged finish.
Gibson Custom Shop Pre-Historic Model Serial Numbers Prior to 1993
Gibson built solid body reissue-style instruments throughout the 80s and early 90s sporadically, which are often referred to as "Pre-Historic" guitars. These models may have an ink stamped serial number on the back of the headstock similar to 1950s conventions where the first number indicates the year of production, followed by a space and then a 4 digit number. For example, 7 0108 would indicate 1987 production, while 2 2345 would indicate 1992 production.
Gibson Custom Shop Historic Reissue Serial Numbers 1993 to Present
While the so-called Pre-Historic models had been limited runs offered by Gibson, in 1991 Gibson began offering custom-ordered instruments through their Dealer Custom Department. By 1993, the Gibson Custom Shop began selling the '59 Les Paul, a highly-accurate "Historic Reissue" production model. From 1993 and beyond, the Custom Shop exists as its own entity, and begins a new numbering convention for Historic Reissue guitars that looks similar to vintage 1950s and Pre-Historic models, but is read differently to determine both the reissue model year and year of production.
1952-1960 Les Paul, Explorer, Flying V, and Futura Historic Reissue Serial Numbers
Solid body reissue 50's style guitars have an ink stamped serial number on the back of the headstock, similar to the 1950's vintage guitars they replicate. The format is M YXXX or MYXXXX where M is the model's reissue year, Y is the year of manufacture, and X is the place in production that year for the guitar, assigned sequentially starting at 001. Once the production count reaches 999, an additional digit is added and the space between model reissue year and production year goes away.
For "M" in the above format, all models from a specific reissue year are included in the production count. So a 1958 Les Paul Standard, 1958 Les Paul Junior, and 1958 Explorer reissue would all have a serial number beginning with "8" for a given production year and count towards the total quantity produced.
Every 10 years the Gibson Custom Shop reuses the serial number as the convention for stamping does not change to denote a new decade. For example, serial number 8 3023 would indicate a '58 Reissue guitar, made in 1993, 2003, 2013, or 2023. It would be the 23rd '58 Reissue stamped that year. Additional specifications or item info would be required to identify the actual year of production.
1961-1969 Firebird, Les Paul, and SG Historic Reissue Serial Numbers
Solid body reissue 60's style guitars have the serial number stamped physically into the wood on the back of the headstock, similar to the 1960's vintage guitars they replicate. The format is YYXXXM where YY is the year of manufacture, XXX is the instrument's place in production for that year, and M is the model being reissued. It's important to note that for 50's reissues "M" denotes just the reissue year, while for 60's reissues, "M" denotes the instrument model and/or year.
Serial Number Code | 60s Reissue Model Name |
1 | SG Custom and Special |
2 | SG Standard |
3 | 1963 Firebird I, 1963 SG Models |
4 | 1964 Firebird III, 1964 SG Models |
5 | 1965 Firebird V & VII |
8 | 1968 Les Paul Custom |
Serial numbers for '60s reissue models have repeated between 2000 and 2020. For example, serial number 030992 would be the 99th SG Standard stamped in either 2003 or 2013. During this time, Gibson does not go to "11" for 2011, they got back to "01" as the leading "YY" in the format. In 2021 however, the first number becomes the year of manufacture, so for example 100992 would be the 99th SG Standard stamped in 2021. 200992 would be from 2022, and 300992 from 2023.
Gibson Custom Shop ES Historic Reissue Serial Numbers
For Historic Reissue ES instruments the format reads (A or B)-MYXXX where M is the model or year being reissued, Y is the year of manufacture, and XXX is the number of instruments stamped for the production year.
Serial Number Code | ES Reissue Model Name |
2 | ES-295 |
3 | 1963 ES-335 |
4 | ES-330 |
5 | ES-345 |
9 with an "A" Prefix | 1959 ES-335 |
9 with an "B" Prefix | 1959 ES-355 |
For example, serial number A-98005 is the 5th '59 ES-335 Reissue produced in 1998.
Gibson Custom Shop Carved Top / Archtop Model Serial Numbers
Carved top or archtop instruments utilize the "first and fifth" serial number format, similar to USA-made Gibson guitars built from 1977-2005. The format is YDDDYXXX where Y is the year of manufacture, D is the day of the year, and X is the guitar's place in the sequence of archtops for that year. Note that as of the year 2000, the first digit in the serial number will be a "2".
For example, 91418009 is the 9th carved top produced on the 141st day of 1998. Serial number 20045002 was the 2nd carved top stamped on the 4th day of 2005.
Gibson Custom Shop Regular Non-Historic Production Serial Numbers
Non-historic custom order guitars are generally stamped with a serial number with the prefix "CS". The format is CSYXXXX where CS is "Custom Shop", Y is the year of manufacture, and XXXX is the guitar's place in CS production for the year. Like other Custom Shop serial number examples, CS numbers may duplicate each decade, so other specs and features may be required to determine the year of production. For example, serial number CS10845 is the 845th regular production CS model produced in 2001 or 2011.